What part of speech is FOR | A complete guide line for beginners

Understanding the parts of speech is fundamental to learning and mastering any language (What part of speech is FOR). In English, the parts of speech are the building blocks of sentences, each with its own specific usage and rules.

Definition of Part of Speech

A part of speech is a category of words that have similar grammatical properties. Common parts of speech in English include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

Importance of Parts of Speech

Parts of speech are crucial for understanding and constructing sentences correctly. They help us understand the function of each word in a sentence, making communication clear and effective.

Examples of Parts of Speech

For instance, in the sentence “She quickly ran to the store,” “She” is a pronoun, “quickly” is an adverb, “ran” is a verb, “to” is a preposition, and “the store” is a noun phrase.

‘For’ as a Part of Speech

In the realm of parts of speech, ‘for’ has a specific role. It is a preposition.

Definition of ‘For’

‘For’ is used to indicate the use of something, the reason or purpose of something, or the intended recipient of something.

Usage of ‘For’

‘For’ is used before a noun (the thing that is used, the reason or purpose, or the intended recipient). For example, in the sentence “This gift is for you,” ‘for’ is showing that the gift is intended for you.

Examples of ‘For’ in Sentences

Here are some examples of ‘for’ in sentences:

  • “I bought a gift for you.”
  • “I am studying for my exam.”
  • “This room is for guests.”

Common Mistakes with ‘For’

While ‘for’ is a relatively straightforward word to use, there are some common mistakes that learners of English often make.

‘For’ vs ‘Four’

‘For’ and ‘four’ sound similar but have different meanings and uses. ‘For’ is a preposition, while ‘four’ is the number 4.

‘For’ vs ‘Fore’

‘For’ and ‘fore’ are homophones, meaning they sound the same but have different meanings. ‘Fore’ refers to the front part of something.

Tips to Remember

Remembering the correct usage of ‘for’ can be made easier by practicing writing and speaking English regularly. Also, reading English books, newspapers, and magazines can help reinforce its correct usage.


In conclusion, ‘for’ is a preposition that shows the use, reason, or intended recipient of something. Understanding its usage and the common mistakes associated with it can significantly improve your English grammar skills.

FAQs About What part of speech is FOR

  1. What part of speech is ‘for’? ‘For’ is a preposition. (What part of speech is FOR)
  2. How is ‘for’ used in a sentence? ‘For’ is used before a noun to show the use, reason, or intended recipient of something. For example, “This gift is for you.”  (What part of speech is FOR)
  3. What is the difference between ‘for’ and ‘four’? ‘For’ is a preposition, while ‘four’ is the number 4. (What part of speech is FOR)
  4. Can ‘for’ be used for only one person? Yes, ‘for’ can be used to indicate the intended recipient of something, whether it’s one person or more. (What part of speech is FOR)
  5. What is a common mistake made when using ‘for’? A common mistake is confusing ‘for’ with ‘four’ or ‘fore’, which sound similar but have different meanings and uses. (What part of speech is FOR)
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